Sep 11, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 9, 2024, 12:00 AM

Queensland court hears murder case of Kelly Wilkinson in 2023

  • Bradley Bell is accused of aiding Brian Earl Johnston in the murder of Kelly Wilkinson.
  • Evidence includes surveillance footage showing Bell helping Johnston acquire petrol and tools for the crime.
  • The jury must decide if Bell knowingly assisted in the murder plot.

In a Queensland court, the trial of Bradley Bell, accused of aiding in the murder of Kelly Wilkinson, is underway. The prosecution alleges that Bell was aware of Brian Earl Johnston's intentions to kill Wilkinson, having heard Johnston express his desire to 'tie up and burn' her. Evidence presented includes surveillance footage showing Bell assisting Johnston in acquiring petrol and tools necessary for the crime. The prosecution argues that Bell's actions indicate he was complicit in the murder plot. Crown prosecutor David Nardone detailed how Bell helped Johnston by driving him to Wilkinson's home after stopping for petrol. The timeline of events suggests that Bell was not only aware of Johnston's violent intentions but actively participated in the planning. Johnston had previously been charged with the alleged rape of Wilkinson, which adds a layer of complexity to the case. Defense barrister Edwin Whitton contends that while the murder was brutal, Bell did not directly kill Wilkinson. He emphasizes that the jury must focus on whether Bell knowingly assisted Johnston in the murder. Whitton suggests that the evidence will reveal two sides to the story, urging the jury to consider the specifics of Bell's involvement. The trial is expected to last for ten days, presided over by Justice Michael Copley. As the case unfolds, the jury will need to determine the extent of Bell's knowledge and involvement in the crime, which could lead to significant legal consequences for him.


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