Aug 20, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 20, 2024, 12:00 AM

Broad Bean Salad Recipe: A Fresh and Flavorful Dish

  • Nigel Slater shares his recipe for a green and herby warm salad with broad beans, dill, and bacon.
  • The salad is perfect for warm days and offers a refreshing and flavorful dish for any occasion.
  • Enjoy a taste of summer with Nigel Slater's simple yet delicious warm salad recipe.

In a delightful culinary endeavor, home cooks are encouraged to prepare a refreshing broad bean salad. The process begins by boiling a deep pan of lightly salted water, into which 250 grams of podded broad beans are added. After cooking for approximately five to six minutes until tender, the beans are drained and plunged into cold water. Depending on the size and freshness of the beans, cooks can choose to remove the papery skins or leave them intact. The salad's flavor profile is enhanced with the addition of spring onions and fresh herbs. Four thin spring onions are prepared by removing their dark shoots and slicing them finely. A small bunch of dill, roughly seven to eight stems, is chopped and combined with the spring onions in a bowl. Finely shredded mint leaves are added, along with four tablespoons of white wine vinegar, salt, black pepper, and 100 milliliters of olive oil, creating a vibrant dressing. To complement the salad, six rashers of smoked back bacon are fried in a moderate heat until lightly crisp. The cooked broad beans are then tossed in the prepared dressing and divided onto two plates, topped with the crispy bacon. The final touch involves drizzling the hot bacon fat over the salad, enhancing its richness. This dish, ready in just 45 minutes, can also be adapted using butter beans and parsley instead of dill for those with different taste preferences.


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