Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Innovative Tiny Apartment in Rotterdam

  • Two architects in the Netherlands created a groundbreaking 74 square feet apartment in Rotterdam.
  • The apartment is designed to maximize every inch of space, showcasing innovative design solutions.
  • This tiny apartment challenges traditional concepts of living space and demonstrates creative optimization.

In the heart of Rotterdam, architects Beatriz Ramo and Bernd Upmeyer have embraced the concept of minimalism with their own version of a Cabanon, inspired by the iconic 1952 retreat designed by modernist architect Le Corbusier. While Corbusier's original log house on the French Riviera measured 144 square feet, Ramo and Upmeyer's apartment is a mere 74 square feet, showcasing their commitment to living small in an urban environment. The couple's Cabanon, located on the top floor of a 1950s mixed-use building, reflects a modern interpretation of Corbusier's principles. Ramo emphasizes that their design is not a critique of the original but rather a homage to its aesthetic of simplicity and functionality. The space is outfitted with custom furnishings that maximize utility while maintaining a sense of beauty and restraint. Ramo and Upmeyer's approach highlights the growing trend of tiny living, where individuals seek to downsize and simplify their lives in response to urban density and environmental concerns. Their Cabanon serves as a testament to the idea that less can indeed be more, providing a cozy yet stylish living space that challenges conventional notions of home. As urban living continues to evolve, the couple's innovative design stands as a beacon for those looking to embrace minimalism without sacrificing comfort or style, proving that even the smallest spaces can hold great significance and beauty.


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