Sep 16, 2024, 4:57 PM
Sep 16, 2024, 4:57 PM

Heat and humidity linger in North Texas as rain chances fade

  • Temperatures in North Texas are forecasted to reach 91 degrees on Tuesday and next Monday, with heat indices potentially hitting 103 later this week.
  • Potential Storm Eight is expected to make landfall as a Depression off the coast of South Carolina, while upper-level weather patterns are shifting northward.
  • There is a slim chance of rain late this weekend into early next week, but the community is eager for cooler fall weather and upcoming local events.

North Texas is experiencing persistent heat and humidity, with temperatures expected to reach 91 degrees on Tuesday and next Monday, marking the coolest days in the extended forecast. The heat indices could soar to 103 later this week, prompting residents to seek relief in pools. Meanwhile, Potential Storm Eight off the coast of South Carolina is unlikely to develop further, likely making landfall as a Depression soon. The upper-level weather patterns are shifting, with troughs moving northward over the central plains, particularly affecting Kansas and Oklahoma. While there is a slight chance of rain late this weekend into early next week, the outlook remains bleak. The community is hopeful for a change in weather patterns as they look forward to the arrival of October and the first strong cold fronts of the fall season. The anticipation for local events like the state fair and the Red River Showdown adds to the desire for a break from the September heat, which shows no signs of relenting just yet.


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