Sep 8, 2024, 9:05 AM
Sep 8, 2024, 1:32 AM

Brother of David Haines gives up search for body in Syria

  • David Haines was kidnapped in Syria in March 2013 and executed by ISIS after 18 months of captivity.
  • His brother, Mike Haines, has given up the search for David's body but has chosen to forgive his killers.
  • Mike established a charity in David's memory to promote tolerance and understanding, emphasizing the power of forgiveness.

David Haines, a British aid worker, was kidnapped in Syria in March 2013 while working for a French aid agency. He was held hostage for 18 months before being brutally executed by a member of the ISIS cell known as The Beatles. His brother, Mike Haines, has spent the last decade searching for David's body but has now decided to cease his efforts. Despite the pain of losing his brother, Mike has chosen to forgive David's killers, believing that this act of forgiveness empowers him. He has also established a charity in David's memory, aimed at promoting tolerance and understanding among young people. The execution of David Haines was captured in a horrific video that circulated online, showing him in an orange jumpsuit next to his masked executioner. The footage was part of a series of executions carried out by ISIS, which included other hostages. Mike Haines has expressed that he does not need to find his brother's remains to achieve closure, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness in his healing process. One of the men involved in the killings, Kotey, was sentenced to life in prison in the US in April 2022. Although the identity of David's specific executioner remains unknown, Mike was able to confront Kotey in court, which he described as a moment of grim satisfaction. He believes that by forgiving the terrorists, he can prevent them from having power over his emotions. Mike's journey reflects a broader message of resilience and the importance of responding to hate with understanding. Through his charity, Global Acts of Unity, he aims to counteract the narratives of extremism and promote peace, ensuring that his brother's legacy continues to inspire positive change.


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