Sep 10, 2024, 2:28 PM
Sep 10, 2024, 2:28 PM

Border Violence Escalates: Migrants Face Increased Policing in US and Europe

  • Politicians in Europe and the US are intensifying border policing and scapegoating migrants.
  • The tragic sinking of the Adriana illustrates the neglect faced by migrants, with authorities often ignoring distress calls.
  • A shift in narrative is needed to view migrants as individuals with legitimate reasons for seeking refuge rather than security threats.

The ongoing crisis of border violence has intensified as politicians in both Europe and the US adopt increasingly aggressive measures against migrants. This escalation is characterized by a shift in perception, where migrants are often viewed as security threats rather than individuals fleeing dire circumstances. The tragic sinking of the Adriana, which left many migrants stranded and ignored by rescue efforts, highlights the dire consequences of this neglect. Survivors like Mohammed recount harrowing experiences of being overlooked by authorities, emphasizing the urgent need for humane treatment of those seeking refuge. In response to such tragedies, protests have erupted, with demonstrators in Thessaloniki condemning the indifference of authorities towards migrant lives. The situation is further complicated by the actions of border patrol agencies like Frontex in Europe and the US border patrol, which have gained power amid rising anti-migrant rhetoric. This has led to a culture of fear and suspicion surrounding migrants from the Global South, who are often treated as criminals rather than individuals with legitimate reasons for migration. The historical context of colonialism plays a significant role in shaping current attitudes towards borders and migration. Colonial powers established arbitrary borders while disregarding the humanity of those they displaced. Today, this legacy continues to influence how migrants are perceived and treated, with many facing systemic barriers to safety and acceptance. Ultimately, the narrative surrounding migration must shift from one of fear and exclusion to one of understanding and compassion. Recognizing the diverse reasons behind migration is essential in fostering a more humane approach to border policies and ensuring the dignity of all individuals seeking a better life.


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