Sep 10, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 4, 2024, 10:42 PM

Missouri judge to decide on abortion-rights ballot measure clarity

  • A Missouri court ruled that a proposed ballot measure to establish a right to abortion is invalid.
  • Judge Limbaugh sided with anti-abortion groups, stating that the abortion rights coalition did not sufficiently explain the measure's implications.
  • The abortion rights coalition plans to appeal the ruling, asserting that the decision undermines voter rights and the initiative process.

A Missouri court has ruled against a proposed ballot measure that would allow voters to establish a right to abortion in the state Constitution. Judge Christopher Limbaugh of the Cole County Circuit Court sided with anti-abortion advocates, stating that the abortion rights groups failed to adequately inform voters about the implications of the measure when gathering signatures. This ruling comes just days before the state is set to print ballots for the upcoming election, creating urgency for the abortion rights coalition to appeal the decision. The coalition, known as Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, has expressed their intention to appeal immediately, arguing that the ruling undermines the initiative process and the rights of voters. They remain hopeful that a higher court will be more favorable to their arguments. If the appeals court or the state Supreme Court does not act before the printing deadline, the measure, referred to as Amendment 3, will be removed from the ballot. The situation highlights the ongoing legal battles surrounding abortion rights in Missouri, where lawmakers and activists on both sides are deeply divided. The outcome of this case could significantly impact the future of abortion access in the state, depending on whether voters are given the opportunity to weigh in on the proposed constitutional amendment. As the deadline approaches, the abortion rights groups are determined to ensure that voters have the final say on this critical issue, emphasizing the importance of public input in shaping state policy regarding reproductive rights.


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