Aug 23, 2024, 1:07 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 1:07 AM

David Lammy's Campaign to Support Ukraine with Noise

  • David Lammy mocked for urging support for Ukraine through noise campaign
  • Ukraine faces military equipment shortages in war with Russia
  • Despite criticisms, Lammy launches 'Make Noise for Ukraine' campaign

David Lammy, the UK Foreign Secretary, has come under fire for his recent initiative urging citizens to show support for Ukraine by making noise, including stomping feet and banging pots. The campaign, dubbed 'Make Noise for Ukraine,' was launched by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) amid ongoing military struggles in Ukraine, where commanders are reportedly rationing artillery shells due to a lack of equipment. Critics argue that Lammy's focus on social media engagement appears disconnected from the urgent military needs of Ukraine. The campaign encourages UK military personnel and emergency services to participate by recording themselves making noise in various forms, such as singing, clapping, or honking car horns. An official MOD video showcased catering staff banging pots, while health workers were instructed to activate ambulance sirens. This approach has raised eyebrows, with some questioning the effectiveness of such gestures in the face of a serious conflict. Former British Army commander Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon criticized the campaign, suggesting that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would prefer tangible military support over social media clips. He emphasized the need for the UK government to prioritize substantial aid rather than superficial online activities. Online reactions have echoed these sentiments, with users comparing the campaign to previous gestures that fell short of addressing real needs, such as clapping for NHS workers during the pandemic. Critics warn that the UK risks appearing trivial in its support for Ukraine if it continues to rely on symbolic actions rather than providing essential military assistance.


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