Sep 4, 2024, 5:24 PM
Sep 4, 2024, 5:24 PM

Minnesota discovers massive helium reservoir to tackle US shortages

  • Pulsar Helium announced a helium reservoir discovery in Minnesota, with a single well estimated to contain 22.9 million cubic feet of helium.
  • The helium concentrations at the site are the highest ever recorded, reaching up to 14.5%, indicating strong commercial potential.
  • This discovery could significantly boost U.S. helium production, addressing critical shortages in various industries.

A significant helium reservoir was discovered in Minnesota, with an independent evaluation revealing promising results for commercial production. The exploration company Pulsar Helium announced that a single well could yield approximately 22.9 million cubic feet of helium, which represents about 1% of the U.S. helium production for 2023. This discovery is particularly noteworthy as it features helium concentrations of up to 14.5%, the highest recorded in the industry. Experts believe that such high concentrations indicate a strong potential for commercial viability. Further exploration and deeper drilling are planned for later this year to better understand the reservoir's capacity. While the exact volume of helium in the entire reservoir remains uncertain due to geological variability, estimates suggest it could hold around 176 million cubic feet. This would significantly contribute to the U.S. helium supply, which currently faces a critical shortage affecting various sectors, including technology and medicine. The demand for helium has been rising, leading to supply chain challenges that have persisted for over a decade. The discovery in Minnesota could alleviate some of these pressures, potentially increasing domestic production by 8.3%. Experts emphasize the importance of helium in numerous applications, making this find not only exciting but also commercially sensible. Overall, the findings from Minnesota represent a hopeful development in addressing the ongoing helium shortage, with the potential to enhance the U.S. supply and support critical industries reliant on this essential gas.


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