Aug 7, 2024, 3:00 AM
Aug 7, 2024, 3:00 AM

Is the Paris Olympic Pool Impacting Swim Times?

  • The Paris 2024 Olympic pool has drawn scrutiny as swimmers fail to break expected world records.
  • Social media debates whether the pool design or conditions are hindering performance.
  • Experts, including NPR correspondents, are investigating the impact of the pool on swimmer times.

In a lively discussion, athletes at a recent swimming event shared insights on how pool conditions, such as turbulence and wave action, influence their performances. The conversation highlighted the significance of a calm pool surface, which is often referred to as a "fast pool." Kevin Post noted that a pool appearing like "glass" indicates minimal water movement, allowing athletes to perform at their best without external interference. Chappell referenced insights from Kevin at Counsilman-Hunsaker, a company known for its expertise in pool design. He explained that the founders conducted research before the 1996 Atlanta Games, discovering that swimmers affect the water around them by approximately five feet. This finding underscores the importance of pool depth in competitive swimming, as it can significantly alter an athlete's experience and performance. The discussion also touched on the evolving techniques of swimmers, with some athletes now opting to swim deeper than in previous competitions. Chappell recalled the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where the pool was considered "fast," contrasting it with current perceptions of depth and speed. Ultimately, athletes expressed a desire to focus on their performance rather than the pool's characteristics. Emily Kwong, who moderated the conversation, emphasized that competitors aimed to set aside concerns about the pool's speed or slowness, concentrating instead on their training and execution during the event.


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