Aug 14, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 13, 2024, 3:47 PM

Chicago Mayor Named Worst Sanctuary City Leader

  • Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has been rated as the worst sanctuary city leader in the U.S.
  • A survey identified Chicago as America's 'worst' sanctuary city, with Mayor Johnson topping the list.
  • Critics have named Mayor Johnson as the least effective leader in sanctuary city policies.

A recent survey conducted by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) has ranked Chicago's Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson as the worst mayor among the nation’s sanctuary cities. The survey assessed mayors based on their funding for migrants, collaboration with federal law enforcement, and adherence to immigration laws. Under Johnson's leadership, Chicago has reportedly seen a rise in illegal immigration, leading to increased crime and overcrowding, prompting criticism from residents and the IRLI. The IRLI's report highlights that sanctuary policies are significant factors attracting illegal immigrants to the U.S. and that mayors like Johnson are staunch advocates of these policies. Dale L. Wilcox, the executive director of IRLI, stated that such policies hinder Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from performing its duties, resulting in public safety concerns. Johnson's administration has faced backlash for prioritizing migrant support over the needs of Chicago residents, including plans to allocate millions for shelters for illegal immigrants. In addition to Johnson, the survey included other mayors from cities like New York and Washington, D.C., who have also faced criticism for their handling of immigration issues. The report underscores a growing trend of sanctuary policies leading to increased crime and community unrest, with calls for a reevaluation of these approaches to immigration enforcement. The survey's findings have sparked a debate about the effectiveness of sanctuary city policies, with critics arguing that they contribute to lawlessness and public safety challenges in urban areas.


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