Pavel Durov Arrested in Paris: Calls It Misguided Action
- Pavel Durov was arrested in Paris last week over allegations of insufficient moderation on Telegram.
- He criticized the French authorities for holding him responsible for third-party actions on the platform.
- Durov emphasized the need for improved moderation and the importance of not deterring innovation through personal liability.
Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, was arrested in Paris last week due to allegations of insufficient moderation on the messaging platform. In his first public statement following his detention, Durov criticized the French authorities, labeling the arrest as 'misguided' and denying claims that Telegram operates as an 'anarchic paradise.' He emphasized that holding him accountable for the actions of third parties on the platform is an inappropriate approach, suggesting that legal actions should target the service itself rather than its CEO. Durov acknowledged that while Telegram is not without flaws, the app actively removes millions of harmful posts and channels daily. He pointed out that the rapid growth of Telegram, which now boasts around 950 million users, has led to challenges in moderating content effectively. This increase in users has made it easier for criminals to exploit the platform, prompting Durov to commit to improving moderation practices. The scrutiny of Telegram has intensified, particularly in the UK, where the app has faced criticism for hosting far-right channels linked to violent incidents. Cybersecurity experts have noted that Telegram's moderation system is less robust compared to other social media platforms. Durov's statement reflects a broader concern among tech innovators about the implications of being held personally liable for the misuse of their platforms. As a French national and a prominent figure in the tech industry, Durov's situation raises questions about the legal responsibilities of tech CEOs and the challenges of regulating digital communication in a rapidly evolving landscape.