Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 22, 2024, 2:21 PM

Protests Erupt Over America’s Cup in Barcelona Amidst Tourism Backlash

  • Protesters in Barcelona express hostility towards America's Cup Sailing Competition.
  • Locals criticize the event as being exclusive to the rich and increasing prices in the city.
  • Controversy arises as a tourist poses next to anti-tourism graffiti, sparking outrage among residents.

Protesters in Barcelona are voicing strong opposition to the upcoming America’s Cup, scheduled from August 22 to October 27, labeling the historic yacht race as “elitist and opaque.” Critics argue that the event caters exclusively to the wealthy, exacerbating local housing issues and driving up rental prices. The Platform Against the America’s Cup, formed last year, claims the event will lead to increased mass tourism and the diversion of housing for seasonal rentals, further pressuring the city’s residents. Martí Cuso, a representative of the Platform, highlighted the negative impact on local communities, stating that many involved in the race have secured long-term rentals, pushing prices beyond the reach of locals. While Barcelona’s mayor promotes the Cup as a means to enhance the city’s coastal recovery, opponents contend that it will not attract the high-spending tourists as intended, but rather contribute to the overwhelming influx of visitors already straining the city’s resources. Local residents have expressed frustration over the daily disruptions caused by mass tourism, including pollution and a perceived erosion of local culture. The America’s Cup, touted as the oldest international sporting event, has drawn criticism for benefiting only a select few, with many locals feeling displaced by the influx of tourists. In response to rising tensions, a significant security operation has been implemented for the event, with over 650 police officers deployed. The anti-tourism sentiment has also spread beyond Barcelona, with similar protests emerging in other popular tourist destinations like Costa Blanca.


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