Aug 17, 2024, 6:00 AM
Aug 17, 2024, 6:00 AM

Boosting energy efficiency with rising block tariffs in Asia and US

  • A significant portion of the global population benefits from an energy pricing system that aims to reduce fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency.
  • The current energy crisis in Europe and the UK has prompted calls for urgent reform of energy pricing to better support households.
  • Implementing a rising block tariff could enhance energy efficiency and promote renewable energy use, but careful consideration is needed to avoid negative impacts on vulnerable households.

More than half of the global population is under an energy pricing system designed to alleviate fuel poverty and enhance energy efficiency. This system offers a reduced or free rate for essential energy needs, while higher consumption is charged at elevated rates, effectively subsidizing the lower tariffs. Experts advocate for a reform of the current energy pricing in Europe and the UK, especially after the energy crisis triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has left millions in fuel poverty. The UK government has introduced significant financial measures to stabilize energy markets, but critics argue that these policies disproportionately benefit wealthier households. The rising block tariff system, which is gaining traction in the UK and Europe, aims to direct renewable energy into a structured pricing model that encourages efficiency and reduces demand during peak times. However, there are concerns regarding the implementation of such tariffs, as they may inadvertently penalize larger families or those with higher essential needs. Experts emphasize the importance of defining the right quantity of energy for the lowest tariff block and considering various household factors, including health vulnerabilities. The potential for a National Energy Guarantee scheme is being explored, which could provide a cost-neutral approach to energy reform. This system could not only address the cost of living crisis but also promote the use of renewable energy, ensuring that consumers are incentivized to use electricity during periods of high renewable generation.


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