Aug 4, 2024, 10:01 PM
Aug 4, 2024, 10:01 PM

European Research and Innovation Policy: A Comprehensive Overview

  • Science|Business provides unique insights and reports geared towards influencing policymakers in the realm of research and innovation.
  • Their offerings include original policy research, special reports, and tailored communication campaigns.
  • These efforts aim to engage and inform decision-makers at various levels, including national and EU institutions.

A bespoke service dedicated to the research and analysis of European research and innovation policy has emerged, focusing on commissioning original policy research and developing impactful communication campaigns. This initiative aims to enhance understanding and engagement with key issues in the sector. Interested parties can reach out via email or an online enquiry form for further information. In 2019, Science|Business undertook a significant project commissioned by Toyota, conducting a mapping study to identify leading researchers, high-performing research institutions, and promising small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the realm of human and artificial intelligence interactions. The confidential report provided Toyota with valuable insights into the most influential players in Europe within this critical field. The need for robust research infrastructures (RIs) in Europe is underscored by a recent roundtable discussion hosted by Science|Business and Elsevier, focusing on the investment challenges associated with RIs. This event, held on June 16, 2022, brought together representatives from RIs, EU institutions, government officials, funders, scientists, and industry executives to explore the impact of these infrastructures on maintaining Europe’s leadership in science and technology. Additionally, the European Commission's ambitious European Open Science Cloud initiative, launched in April 2016 with a budget of €6.7 billion, aims to transform research, cloud services, and data technologies across Europe. Through ongoing meetings and publications, the initiative fosters dialogue on essential topics such as funding, participation, and technological advancements, with participation from major players like Amazon, Microsoft, and various academic institutions.


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