Sep 16, 2024, 3:43 PM
Sep 16, 2024, 3:43 PM

Northern trains remind commuters: no dating apps allowed

  • Northern has banned access to dating apps on its on-board Wi-Fi to ensure a safe environment for all passengers.
  • The company has implemented content restrictions since 2017, including adult content and gambling, to protect younger travelers.
  • This unique policy among UK rail companies may lead passengers seeking romance to consider other options like Virgin Rail.

Northern, a UK rail company operating in the north of England, has reiterated its policy against the use of dating apps on its trains. This reminder comes as passengers return to their daily commutes after the summer holidays. The company had previously restricted access to certain online content since 2017, citing concerns over the appropriateness of some sites, particularly for younger passengers. Matt Rice, the chief operating officer, emphasized the importance of providing a safe and reliable internet experience for all customers. The ban on dating apps is part of a broader initiative to filter content deemed unsuitable for public viewing, which includes adult content, gambling, and video streaming. Northern's "Friendly Wi-Fi" policy aims to ensure that the internet service meets minimum filtering standards, especially considering the potential presence of children on board. The company believes that while some dating sites may have users who self-moderate, others do not, leading to potential exposure to inappropriate content. In addition to protecting younger passengers, the restrictions also aim to maintain sufficient bandwidth for all users. By blocking certain categories of websites, Northern seeks to enhance the overall experience for commuters. This approach is unique among rail companies in the UK, as Northern is the only firm to impose such stringent restrictions on its on-board Wi-Fi services. As a result, those looking to connect romantically while traveling may need to consider alternative options, such as Virgin Rail, which does not have similar restrictions in place. This policy highlights the ongoing balance between providing internet access and ensuring a family-friendly environment on public transport.


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