Jul 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Millennial Faces Mortgage Hurdles Due to O2 Defaults Amid Family Crisis

  • A customer believed they had closed their Virgin Media O2 account, but default notices have appeared on their credit report.
  • These default notices are now hindering their ability to secure a mortgage.
  • The situation highlights issues with the clarity and management of service packages by Virgin Media O2.

A millennial is struggling to secure a mortgage to support a terminally ill relative, citing a poor credit rating caused by three defaults registered by O2. The individual claims that despite cancelling their Virgin Media O2 Volt package in June 2023, O2 continued to issue bills for an additional three months, leading to the defaults. The situation highlights the challenges faced by younger generations in navigating corporate policies that can have significant personal consequences. The O2 contract was initially taken out as part of a broadband package, which many customers, including the individual in question, found confusing. The Volt package, marketed as a single deal, actually involves two separate contracts that must be cancelled independently, a detail buried in the fine print. This lack of clarity has left many customers unaware of their ongoing obligations, resulting in unexpected defaults. Despite being a long-time customer of Virgin Media, the individual received no communication from O2 regarding the defaults. When they sought clarification, O2 claimed it could not access the account due to a discrepancy in email addresses. Promises to resolve the issue went unfulfilled, and additional defaults were registered without explanation. In response to similar complaints, Virgin Media O2 has acknowledged the confusion and has updated the credit files of affected customers, clearing their debts and providing compensation. However, the experience underscores the frustrations faced by millennials as they navigate financial systems that often seem indifferent to their circumstances.


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