Sep 3, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 3, 2024, 12:00 AM

IDF uncovers Hamas railway tracks in northern Gaza tunnels

  • The IDF discovered a railway track inside a Hamas tunnel in northern Gaza during military operations.
  • The tunnel, located in Beit Lahia, was over one kilometer long and contained weapons and electrical infrastructure.
  • This discovery is part of Israel's broader strategy to dismantle Hamas's extensive underground network.

On Tuesday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced the discovery of a railway track within a Hamas tunnel in northern Gaza. This finding is part of the IDF's ongoing efforts to dismantle Hamas's underground infrastructure, which has been a significant focus since the onset of the current conflict. The Engineering Unit of the Gaza Division, along with the Northern Gaza Brigade and the Yahalom Unit, played a crucial role in uncovering this tunnel, which spans over one kilometer in length. The tunnel was located in the Beit Lahia area and was identified through prior intelligence. During the investigation, troops found not only the railway track but also weapons and electrical infrastructure, indicating the tunnel's strategic importance to Hamas operations. The existence of such tunnels highlights the complexity of the underground network that Hamas has developed, which is believed to extend for hundreds of miles beneath Gaza. Some tunnels are reportedly large enough to accommodate vehicles, including smuggling routes near the Gaza-Egypt border. The IDF's systematic destruction of these tunnels aims to weaken Hamas's operational capabilities and reduce the threat posed to Israel. Additionally, there are concerns regarding the fate of Israeli hostages, as some are thought to be held within these tunnels. The ongoing military operations reflect Israel's commitment to neutralizing threats from Hamas, while also raising questions about the humanitarian impact on the civilian population in Gaza. The situation remains tense as both sides continue to navigate the complexities of warfare in urban and subterranean environments.


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