Aug 12, 2024, 10:28 AM
Aug 12, 2024, 10:28 AM

British Gas and OVO Recommend Curtains for Sun Protection

  • British Gas and OVO advise using curtains to block out sunlight.
  • Customers encouraged to utilize curtains and blinds for energy efficiency.
  • Simple solution offered for keeping homes cool during sunny days.

In response to the current heatwave, energy companies British Gas and OVO are urging customers to take measures to keep their homes cool. With temperatures soaring, both firms emphasize the importance of managing indoor heat to prevent health risks such as heat stroke and dehydration. Their guidance aligns with government recommendations for coping with extreme temperatures. British Gas has provided specific tips for maintaining a cooler home environment. They advise against opening windows during peak heat hours, suggesting that keeping them closed can significantly reduce indoor temperatures. The company recommends using light-colored blinds and heavier fabric curtains to block heat effectively. Customers are encouraged to consider updating their window treatments to enhance heat resistance while retaining darker options for colder months. To maximize cooling, British Gas suggests keeping curtains and blinds drawn in sun-exposed rooms and closing windows when the sun is shining directly on them. For those looking to ventilate their homes, opening windows on the shaded side is recommended to prevent hot air from entering. The overarching message is clear: managing sunlight and heat entry is crucial for maintaining a comfortable indoor climate during the summer months. As the heatwave continues, these practical tips from energy firms serve as a reminder of the importance of home cooling strategies, not only for comfort but also for safeguarding health during extreme weather conditions.


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