Sep 18, 2024, 11:13 PM
Sep 18, 2024, 11:13 PM

European Commission launches call for clean energy projects

  • The European Commission has opened a call for energy infrastructure projects under the TEN-E Regulation.
  • Projects can apply for PCI or PMI status to benefit from streamlined processes and EU funding.
  • This initiative aims to support the EU's climate objectives and enhance clean energy investments.

The European Commission has launched a new call for applications aimed at energy infrastructure projects that seek to achieve the status of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) or Projects of Mutual Interest (PMI). This initiative is part of the Trans-European Network for Energy (TEN-E) Regulation and is designed to enhance the EU's climate and competitiveness goals. The deadline for applications varies, with electricity, hydrogen, and electrolyser projects having until November 18, 2024, while smart electricity and gas grids, CO2 projects, and initiatives to address energy isolation in Cyprus and Malta can apply until December 18, 2024. The call for projects is significant as it allows successful candidates to benefit from streamlined permitting processes and access to EU funding through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The remaining budget for CEF-Energy for the 2021-2027 period is approximately €3.5 billion, which underscores the financial support available for clean energy initiatives. This funding is crucial for scaling up investments in renewable energy and related technologies. The EU Commission emphasizes the importance of prioritizing clean energy infrastructure, aligning with the political policies of President von der Leyen. The upcoming Clean Industrial Deal, expected to be presented within the first 100 days of the next mandate, will further outline the EU's commitment to clean energy. The adoption of the second Union list of PCIs and PMIs is anticipated by the end of 2025, following consultations with stakeholders and regulators. This initiative reflects the EU's ongoing efforts to enhance energy security and sustainability across member states.


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