Aug 19, 2024, 11:13 AM
Aug 19, 2024, 11:13 AM

Newcastle Man Dies from Pancreatic Cancer After Ignoring Symptoms

  • A 58-year-old man from Newcastle ignored tummy pain, mistaking it for signs of aging.
  • He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer after fearing he was suffering a heart attack.
  • The cancer spread to his liver and took his life in just 3 months.

In a distressing turn of events, a 58-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer after experiencing what he believed to be a heart attack in January. Subsequent medical tests revealed multiple tumors on his liver and pancreas. By February, he had lost four stone in just two months and opted out of chemotherapy due to his deteriorating health. His partner, Rachael, noted that while she had not previously worried about his health, she began to notice significant changes in his appearance over the past year. Pancreatic cancer is particularly prevalent among older adults, with individuals in their 80s being the most likely to receive a diagnosis. The incidence of the disease has risen over the past three decades, with approximately 17 out of every 100,000 people diagnosed annually, up from 14. Rachael expressed her shock at her partner's rapid weight loss, describing him as looking like a "skeleton," which underscored the aggressive nature of the illness. In a poignant moment, Rachael recounted how her partner, Dave, attempted to nudge her for attention, prompting her to express her love for him. She described the experience as both traumatic and a relief, as it signified the end of his suffering. Rachael emphasized the importance of taking health seriously and being proactive in seeking medical advice, noting that minor symptoms can often signal more serious issues, particularly with pancreatic cancer, which can be insidious in its early stages.


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