Jul 25, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 24, 2024, 1:53 AM

Parallels Between Biden and Johnson

  • Comparing the actions and legacy of President Joe Biden and former President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • History will note the debt Biden accumulated, his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, the border he opened, and the lives his policies harmed.
  • The news highlights the similarities between the two presidents and questions if history is repeating itself.

As President Joe Biden approaches the end of his term, his legacy faces significant scrutiny, particularly regarding the national debt and foreign policy. Since taking office, the national debt has surged by approximately $7.2 trillion, contributing to a total increase of 138% over the past years. Critics argue that this financial burden will overshadow his presidency, alongside the controversial withdrawal from Afghanistan, which has left the region vulnerable to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda. Biden's remarks on Afghanistan emphasize a focus on preventing the country from being used as a base for attacks against the U.S. However, reports indicate that the situation remains precarious, with the Border Patrol encountering numerous Afghans deemed "inadmissible." This raises questions about the effectiveness of Biden's policies in securing the border and ensuring national safety. In a historical parallel, Biden's recent announcement to decline the Democratic Party's presidential nomination echoes former President Lyndon B. Johnson's decision not to seek re-election amid the Vietnam War. Both leaders, despite their instincts to remain in power, chose to step aside for the perceived greater good of their country and party, aiming to preserve their legacies. Johnson's eventual legacy shifted from the Vietnam War to his civil rights achievements, suggesting that Biden's future reputation may similarly evolve. As the nation reflects on his presidency, the long-term impact of his decisions on debt, foreign policy, and social issues will be critical in shaping how history remembers him.


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