Aug 9, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 9, 2024, 12:00 AM

Study Shows Celebrities Can Boost Voter Turnout

  • A recent Harvard University study suggests that celebrities can encourage voter participation.
  • The report highlights the positive influence celebrities may have in motivating people to vote.
  • Engagement with celebrity advocacy could be a key strategy for increasing turnout in future elections.

In a recent exploration of celebrity influence in politics, a study from Harvard University’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation reveals that celebrities significantly impact civic engagement, particularly among younger voters. The study, shared exclusively with CNN, highlights that while many individuals claim to be unaffected by celebrity endorsements, evidence suggests that these figures wield considerable power in shaping public discourse and encouraging voter participation. The research emphasizes the unique ability of celebrities to connect with younger generations, often more effectively than traditional media outlets. Ashley Spillane, the study's author, notes that celebrities can foster a culture of participation, making civic engagement appealing and relevant. Their dominance on social media platforms positions them as vital sources of information, which can be leveraged to boost voter turnout. The 2020 election cycle showcased the tangible effects of celebrity involvement in voter mobilization. Notable figures like Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish utilized their platforms to encourage voter registration and recruit poll workers, leading to record-breaking engagement. Swift's Instagram post in 2018 resulted in the highest number of new voter registrations in a single day, while Eilish's efforts directly contributed to poll worker recruitment. The study also highlights the collaborative efforts of various celebrities, including former "Daily Show" host Trevor Noah, who engaged audiences through calls to action. With over 250 celebrities mobilized in 2020, the initiative aimed to enhance voter registration and participation, underscoring the critical role of public figures in empowering citizens to exercise their political rights.


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