Aug 6, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 6, 2024, 12:00 AM

UNESCO Lists Gaza Monastery as World Heritage and In Danger

  • UNESCO has designated the Saint Hilarion Monastery in Gaza as a World Heritage site and marked it as in danger.
  • This recognition highlights the significance of the site and the urgent need for its protection.
  • The decision has drawn attention to the cultural heritage amid ongoing conflicts in the region.

In a significant move, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee has inscribed the Saint Hilarion Monastery, also known as Tell Umm Amer, located in the Gaza Strip, to both its "World Heritage" and "World Heritage In Danger" lists. This decision, made in late July, utilized an emergency procedure due to the ongoing conflict in the region, which poses a threat to the archaeological site. A UNESCO spokesperson emphasized that the situation warranted such action under the World Heritage Convention. Despite Israel's withdrawal from UNESCO in December 2018, it remains a State Party, which obligates it to protect the monastery. This decision followed allegations of anti-Israeli bias within the organization, particularly after the acceptance of "the State of Palestine" as a member in 2011. UNESCO noted that simultaneous inscriptions to both lists are not uncommon, highlighting the precarious status of many cultural sites worldwide. Currently, there are 1,123 sites on UNESCO's World Heritage List, with only 56 classified as "In Danger." This designation is reserved for sites threatened by war, natural disasters, pollution, or other significant issues. Requests for emergency procedures must originate from a State Party, underscoring the collaborative nature of heritage preservation. The Saint Hilarion Monastery was first included on Palestine's Tentative List in 2012, indicating its potential for future nomination. The recent session of the World Heritage Committee concluded with the addition of 26 new sites, marking a notable expansion of the global heritage landscape.


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