Aug 15, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 15, 2024, 12:00 AM

Harlem Gospel Travelers Share Love and Face Church Prejudice

  • Harlem Gospel Travelers face discrimination from the gospel scene due to their sexuality.
  • Inspired by Beyoncé and admired by Elton John, the trio spreads a message of universal love.
  • The talented trio reflects on their experiences of prejudice in the church while singing for Joe Biden.

In a candid discussion within their dressing room, Ifedayo Gatling, a prominent member of the Harlem Gospel Travelers (HGT), expressed the urgent need for the church to acknowledge the existence of LGBTQ+ individuals. The trio, whose music draws inspiration from the soul-gospel sounds of the 60s and 70s, faces significant barriers, particularly from gospel radio stations that hesitate to play their tracks due to both their sexuality and their traditional sound. Gatling highlighted the fear among DJs to embrace their music, which diverges from the contemporary gospel trend that mimics secular styles. The group reflects on the struggles faced by artists like Anthony Charles Williams II, known as Tonex, who faced severe backlash after coming out in 2009. HGT is committed to reshaping the narrative surrounding gospel music and its artists, advocating for acceptance within the African American community. Gatling emphasized the importance of recognizing that love, like race, is an inherent aspect of identity that should be embraced rather than hidden. Despite potential resistance from religious audiences, HGT's engaging performances are resonating with secular crowds, showcasing their unique blend of soul and gospel. The quartet, formed out of necessity to travel to Harlem for rehearsals, initially disbanded after their debut album, "He’s on Time," but the positive reception prompted a reunion. Gatling believes that gospel music should be inclusive, while Bailey credits Beyoncé’s tribute to the queer community as a catalyst for their openness about sexuality.


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