Sep 16, 2024, 7:18 PM
Sep 16, 2024, 7:18 PM

Alisson criticizes football chiefs over congested calendar concerns

  • Alisson criticized football authorities for ignoring players' concerns about the congested match calendar.
  • He called for a collaborative discussion involving all stakeholders, including players, media, and football organizations.
  • The need for a balanced approach is essential to ensure players can perform at their best without the burden of fatigue.

Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson has voiced strong criticism towards football's governing bodies regarding the increasingly congested match calendar. He expressed frustration that players' opinions are often overlooked when decisions are made about adding more games. Alisson emphasized the need for a collaborative approach, where all stakeholders, including players, media, and football organizations, come together to discuss the implications of a packed schedule. He highlighted that fatigue among players can hinder their performance, making it essential to find a balance that allows them to compete at their best. The Professional Footballers’ Association is advocating for players to have a greater voice in discussions about the calendar and to work towards a more unified schedule. Alisson's comments reflect a growing concern among players about their workload and the impact it has on their health and performance. He pointed out that while there is a demand for more games, it is crucial to consider the players' well-being in these decisions. Alisson's remarks come at a time when the football community is grappling with the consequences of an overloaded calendar, which has been exacerbated by the introduction of new competitions and formats. The goalkeeper's call for dialogue underscores the need for a more inclusive decision-making process that takes into account the perspectives of those directly affected by these changes. Ultimately, Alisson's statements serve as a reminder that the sustainability of the sport relies on the health and performance of its players, and that a more thoughtful approach to scheduling is necessary for the future of football.


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