Sep 8, 2024, 9:35 AM
Sep 7, 2024, 5:00 PM

Thousands protest against far right rally in Glasgow

  • A few hundred far-right supporters gathered in Glasgow's George Square for a rally.
  • Thousands of anti-racism demonstrators, organized by Stand Up To Racism, countered the rally with chants and flags.
  • The event highlighted the strong opposition to far-right ideologies in Glasgow and the commitment to anti-racism.

On a Saturday in Glasgow, a significant counterprotest took place in George Square against a far-right rally endorsed by Tommy Robinson. The rally attracted a few hundred anti-immigration and British nationalist supporters, who were met with a much larger group of demonstrators advocating for anti-racism. The Stand Up To Racism group, among others, filled the square with chants and flags, effectively drowning out the voices of the far-right campaigners. Police maintained a clear separation between the two groups to prevent any potential clashes. The atmosphere was charged, with the counterprotesters showcasing their solidarity through chants and a display of various flags, including saltires and Palestinian flags. The presence of younger men and boys dressed in black masks added a layer of tension to the event, although they were kept apart from the main crowds by police. The counterprotesters emphasized their numbers, asserting that they outnumbered the far-right supporters. This event highlights the ongoing tensions surrounding issues of immigration and nationalism in the UK, particularly in urban areas like Glasgow. The strong turnout for the counterprotest reflects a growing resistance to far-right ideologies and a commitment to anti-racism among many citizens. The police's role in managing the situation was crucial in ensuring that the protests remained separate and did not escalate into violence. Ultimately, the counterprotest served as a powerful statement against the far-right movement, demonstrating that a significant portion of the population stands firmly against racism and xenophobia. The event not only showcased the divide in public opinion but also reinforced the importance of peaceful protest in advocating for social justice.


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