Aug 23, 2024, 9:29 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 9:29 AM

Beekeeping Helps Save Bolivia's Andean Bear

  • Drought and conflict with farmers are threatening Bolivia's Andean bear
  • A beekeeping project is helping protect this endangered species
  • Beekeeping proves to be a sustainable solution for wildlife conservation

In southern Bolivia, the Andean bear, often likened to the fictional Paddington Bear, faces significant threats from drought and conflicts with local farmers. Residents like Limachi recount experiences of bears raiding their crops, prompting a shift in agricultural practices. Farmers are increasingly turning to beekeeping as a less labor-intensive alternative, with plans to reduce cattle farming in favor of honey production, which they view as a sustainable retirement strategy. The Andean bear plays a crucial role in forest regeneration, benefiting local ecosystems by promoting floral growth that supports beekeeping. Recent data from the Andean Bear Conservation Project (ACCP) indicates a positive trend, with no bears killed in retaliation between 2016 and 2024. The initiative has also led to a 15% increase in average family income and an 11.8% rise in households' income-generating capacity from 2018 to 2021. Notably, community tolerance towards bears has improved by 50%, with only 10% of cattle deaths attributed to bear activity. Aguirre, a prominent livestock farmer in San Lorencito, has adopted proactive measures to mitigate bear conflicts by strategically planting pastures. The success of the ACCP's conservation efforts has prompted the expansion of similar initiatives into other regions of the inter-Andean dry forest. Conservationists like Robert Wallace emphasize the potential for replicating these programs, contingent on community engagement and participation. Overall, the project not only aims to protect the Andean bear but also empowers local women and diversifies income sources for families, fostering a harmonious coexistence between wildlife and agriculture.


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