Sep 5, 2024, 3:33 PM
Sep 5, 2024, 3:33 PM

Pakistan faces deadly monsoon rains: southern regions hit hardest

  • Pakistan's monsoon season has resulted in rainfall levels 60% above average, with August seeing a 137% increase.
  • The severe weather has led to numerous deaths, particularly among children, and has disrupted the education of 72,000 children in Sindh.
  • Experts suggest that despite the challenges, the country has avoided extensive damage this year due to improved preparedness and lessons learned from past disasters.

As the monsoon season in Pakistan approaches its conclusion, the country has experienced significantly higher rainfall, particularly in the southern regions, leading to numerous fatalities and widespread displacement. The monsoon season, which typically runs from July to September, has seen rainfall levels 60% above average in the initial months, with August recording a staggering 137% increase compared to historical averages. Tragically, nearly half of the reported deaths due to rain-related incidents have involved children, highlighting the severe impact on vulnerable populations. The changing rainfall patterns indicate a shift in the monsoon's traditional trajectory, with southern areas now receiving more precipitation than northern regions. This shift has disrupted the education of approximately 72,000 children in Sindh alone, as reported by Save the Children. Despite the challenges posed by the heavy rains and flooding, experts note that the country has managed to avoid extensive damage this year, thanks in part to lessons learned from the catastrophic floods of 2022. In response to the previous year's disasters, authorities have implemented anticipatory measures and utilized advanced technology, such as lightning detectors provided by China, to better predict severe weather events. However, many communities are still awaiting financial support to rebuild from the devastation of last year's floods, with the Asian Development Bank approving a $400 million loan for reconstruction efforts in Sindh. As the situation unfolds, organizations like Save the Children emphasize the need for increased support to address the underlying causes of climate-driven disasters. They advocate for funding and resources to help families adapt, recover, and rebuild their lives, ensuring that the current crisis does not lead to long-term repercussions for affected communities.


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