Sep 15, 2024, 7:59 AM
Sep 15, 2024, 7:59 AM

US warns against imposing peace plan on Ukraine

  • U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated that Ukraine must lead the resolution of its conflict, rejecting external impositions.
  • JD Vance proposed a peace plan that aligns with Russian demands, suggesting Ukraine abandon NATO and place reconstruction costs on Europe.
  • Sullivan warned against quick solutions from outside, emphasizing the need for any peace plan to respect Ukraine's sovereignty.

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan emphasized that the resolution of the Ukraine conflict must be led by the Ukrainian government, not imposed externally. Various peace proposals have emerged since Russia's invasion in 2022, including those from Hungary and suggestions from China and Brazil, which did not consult Ukraine before promoting their ideas. Sullivan pointed out that only President Zelenskyy's peace formula includes the return of all territories seized by Russia, highlighting the importance of Ukrainian sovereignty in any settlement. JD Vance, a prominent figure in Donald Trump's administration, proposed a peace plan that aligns with Russian demands, suggesting Ukraine should abandon NATO aspirations and accept neutrality. This plan lacks provisions for Russia to compensate Ukraine for the devastation caused by the war, placing the financial burden of reconstruction on European nations instead. Trump's recent video address to a conference in Kyiv reiterated his belief that the conflict could have been avoided under his leadership, while also asserting that he could quickly resolve the situation if re-elected. Sullivan cautioned against the notion that the war could be resolved swiftly from outside, questioning the motives of those who claim otherwise. He stressed that any external intervention must consider the interests of Ukraine and not merely serve the agendas of other nations. The ongoing conflict has led to a stalemate, and the U.S. remains committed to supporting Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. In conclusion, the U.S. stance is clear: any peace plan must prioritize Ukraine's leadership and territorial rights, rejecting proposals that undermine its sovereignty or place undue burdens on European allies for reconstruction.


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