Sep 3, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 3, 2024, 12:00 AM

Jacob Wahl and Jack Burkman launch AI startup after voter fraud convictions

  • Jacob Wahl and Jack Burkman, convicted of felonies for election interference, have founded an AI startup called LobbyMatic.
  • The company operates under pseudonyms and offers services aimed at enhancing efficiency for lobbyists.
  • Their controversial history raises concerns about the integrity and ethical implications of their new business venture.

Jacob Wahl and Jack Burkman, both convicted felons for election interference, have launched a Washington-based AI startup named LobbyMatic. This platform is designed to assist lobbyists by automating tasks such as booking meetings and monitoring congressional hearings. Wahl and Burkman operate under the pseudonyms 'Jay Klein' and 'Bill Sanders' to conceal their identities due to their controversial past. Their history includes scamming and making false allegations against prominent Democrats, raising concerns about the integrity of their new venture. In 2022, Wahl and Burkman were convicted of felony telecom fraud, which led to a court order mandating them to spend 500 hours registering voters. Their previous actions included staging a fake FBI raid and attempting to frame political figures for serious crimes. These incidents highlight their pattern of deceitful behavior and manipulation in the political arena. Despite their criminal background, the AI startup continues to operate, although it faced internal challenges. Two employees left the company upon discovering the true identities of the founders, expressing concerns about the lack of transparency and the misleading nature of their work environment. This reflects a broader issue of trust and ethics in the tech industry, particularly when it involves individuals with a history of fraudulent activities. The launch of LobbyMatic raises questions about the potential impact of such a company on political lobbying and the use of AI in this context. Given Wahl and Burkman's past, there are significant concerns regarding the ethical implications and the reliability of the services they offer, which could further complicate the already contentious landscape of political lobbying.


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