Sep 19, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 19, 2024, 12:00 AM

Alaska whalers discover 1880s harpoon in ancient whale

  • In 2007, Alaskan whalers found a 1880s harpoon embedded in a bowhead whale's neck.
  • The bowhead whale can live up to 200 years, making it the oldest living mammal.
  • This discovery has provided significant insights into the history of whaling and the longevity of marine species.

In 2007, a group of native Alaskan whalers discovered a Victorian-era explosive harpoon embedded in the neck of a bowhead whale they had killed. This particular whale, measuring 50 feet in length, had survived an attack from whalers approximately 130 years prior, as indicated by the harpoon dating back to the 1880s. The harpoon was found within a one-foot layer of blubber, which serves to insulate bowhead whales in the frigid Arctic waters. This remarkable survival showcases the resilience of the species, which can live for up to 200 years. The bowhead whale is recognized as the oldest living mammal, with its longevity attributed to various factors, including its thick blubber and slow growth rate. Prior to this discovery, the oldest known whale was a 114-year-old fin whale. The finding of the harpoon tip in the whale's flesh has provided valuable insights into the history of whaling practices and the life span of these marine mammals. The harpoon used in the 1880s was a bomb lance, specifically designed for Arctic whaling, where whales could evade hunters by diving under ice. The fact that this bowhead whale managed to live for over a century with a detonated harpoon tip in its body is a testament to its extraordinary adaptability and the harsh realities of its environment. While bowhead whales are impressive in their longevity, they do not hold the title of the longest-living sea animal. Other marine species, such as the Greenland shark and certain clams, can live for hundreds to thousands of years, highlighting the diverse and fascinating life spans found in ocean ecosystems.


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