Sep 6, 2024, 11:22 PM
Sep 6, 2024, 11:22 PM

Wilton woman seeks help in finding missing sick horse

  • Jean Bishop's 23-year-old horse, Toby, went missing from her home in Wilton, California, on Monday.
  • Despite community efforts and social media outreach, no leads have been found regarding Toby's whereabouts.
  • Bishop is asking for help, particularly from those with drones, to assist in the search for her beloved horse.

Jean Bishop, a resident of Wilton, California, is desperately searching for her 23-year-old horse, Toby, who went missing from her property on Monday. Toby has been a part of Bishop's life since he was a few months old and is currently in poor health, requiring medication and IVs. His absence has left his companion, a 28-year-old horse named Easter, feeling very lonely. Bishop has expressed her concern for Toby's well-being, as he is reliant on medical care due to his age and health issues. The local community has rallied around Bishop in her search for Toby. Despite their efforts, including searching the surrounding area, no leads have emerged regarding his whereabouts. Bishop has utilized social media to spread the word about her missing horse, hoping that someone might have seen him. The Hollingworth family, who live in Fair Oaks, have also joined the search, motivated by empathy for Bishop's situation. Bishop is seeking assistance from anyone who might have a drone to help search the area from above, as she believes this could provide a new perspective in locating Toby. She has encouraged anyone with information about Toby's possible location to reach out via email or phone. The community's support has been heartwarming, but Bishop is still left with uncertainty and a longing for closure regarding her beloved horse. As the search continues, the emotional toll on Bishop and her remaining horse, Easter, grows. The bond between them and Toby is strong, and the hope of reuniting with him remains a driving force in their lives. Bishop's plea highlights the deep connections people have with their animals and the lengths they will go to ensure their safety and well-being.


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