Sep 13, 2024, 6:03 PM
Sep 13, 2024, 4:48 PM

Greek stationmaster suspended after trains nearly collide in Athens

  • A train stationmaster in Athens was suspended for allegedly ordering two passenger trains onto a collision course.
  • The quick actions of the train drivers and another stationmaster prevented a serious incident.
  • This incident highlights ongoing safety concerns in Greece's railway system and the need for improved regulations and training.

On a recent Friday in Athens, a train stationmaster was suspended after allegedly issuing an order that could have led to a head-on collision between two passenger trains on the suburban railway. Fortunately, the drivers of both trains and another stationmaster at a different location recognized the error in time, halting one train approximately half a kilometer before it would have entered the single track. This incident echoes a tragic event from February 2023, when a similar mistake resulted in Greece's worst railway disaster, claiming the lives of 57 individuals, primarily university students returning to classes. The aftermath of that crash revealed significant issues within the railway system, including inadequate staffing and outdated safety infrastructure, which fueled public outrage and demands for reform. In response to the recent near-miss, Hellenic Train emphasized the importance of strict adherence to railway traffic regulations and announced plans to enhance staff training to prevent future errors. The train drivers' union praised the quick actions of the drivers involved, highlighting their professionalism and commitment to safety, which ultimately averted a potentially serious incident. This situation underscores the ongoing challenges facing Greece's railway system and the urgent need for improvements to ensure passenger safety.


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