Sep 11, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 11, 2024, 12:00 AM

Harvard Business School dismisses Prof. Gino"s libel claims

  • Harvard Business School issued Retraction Notices due to concerns about data validity in Professor Gino's research.
  • The court determined that these notices reflected HBS's subjective views rather than defamatory statements.
  • Gino's libel claims were dismissed, highlighting the challenges public figures face in proving defamation.

Harvard Business School (HBS) expressed concerns regarding the validity of data in four articles authored by Professor Francesca Gino, leading to the issuance of Retraction Notices. These notices outlined specific data anomalies and forensic assessments that raised questions about the integrity of Gino's research. The court found that the Retraction Notices represented HBS's subjective interpretation rather than defamatory statements. As a public figure, Gino needed to demonstrate actual malice in her defamation claims against both HBS and Data Colada, which she failed to do. The December Report and accompanying blog posts by Data Colada were deemed to reflect personal conclusions about the data rather than definitive claims of fraud. The court noted that while the reports suggested potential data tampering, they did not assert direct evidence of Gino's misconduct. Furthermore, the Data Colada Defendants acknowledged the limitations of their findings, allowing for alternative explanations beyond Gino's involvement. Ultimately, the court dismissed Gino's libel claims, emphasizing the protection of subjective interpretations under the First Amendment and the necessity for public figures to meet a higher standard in defamation cases.


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