Aug 13, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

Artist Reflects on Mental Health Journey in New Book

  • Anna Marie Tendler shares her mental health experiences and time in a psychiatric facility.
  • Her story aims to shed light on common struggles faced by women in similar situations.
  • The focus is on her journey, not on her divorce from John Mulaney.

In her latest work, *Men Have Called Her Crazy*, artist Tendler shares her experiences during a stay in a psychiatric facility, emphasizing that her narrative is not solely defined by her divorce from comedian John Mulaney. Speaking from her home in Connecticut, Tendler reveals that her therapist recommended she write the book to convey the shared struggles many women face regarding mental health. She highlights that her time in the hospital was not characterized by feelings of insanity, but rather by a recognition of her ongoing battles with depression and anxiety. Tendler's book delves into the impact of societal structures on women's mental health, particularly the influence of patriarchy. The title, conceived early in the writing process, reflects her journey of understanding the broader systems that contribute to individual experiences. She acknowledges the complexity of assigning blame to specific individuals, suggesting that systemic issues play a significant role in shaping perceptions of mental health. Throughout the writing process, Tendler emphasizes her autonomy in choosing the narrative she wanted to present. She notes that her therapeutic relationship, which had been beneficial for years, ultimately ended as she sought to explore her experiences independently. This decision allowed her to craft a narrative that resonates with her truth, rather than relying on public perceptions tied to her personal life. In sharing her story, Tendler aims to foster a deeper understanding of mental health challenges, encouraging readers to recognize the commonality of their experiences and the importance of addressing systemic issues.


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