Dec 10, 2024, 12:00 AM
Dec 10, 2024, 12:00 AM

Tobago's autonomy dreams crushed in final setback

  • A bill to increase Tobago's autonomy was introduced in parliament but ultimately defeated.
  • The proposed legislation aimed at increasing Tobago's budget share and simplifying its legislative authority.
  • Local leaders express disappointment and frustration over the ongoing struggle for Tobago’s self-governance.

In a recent development in Trinidad and Tobago, local politicians in Tobago experienced a significant setback in their long-standing quest for greater self-governance. This push for autonomy reached a critical point when a bill, which aimed to enhance the powers of the Tobago House of Assembly, was put forward in parliament. The legislation was expected to grant Tobago more political and economic independence, a move that was heavily favored by Tobago's leaders and residents alike. However, the bill was ultimately blocked by opposition members who expressed concerns about the proposed changes, claiming that they were insufficient in addressing the core issues surrounding Tobago's governance. Farley Augustine, the head of the Tobagonian government and leader of the Tobago People’s Party, criticized the government’s amendments to the bill, describing them as


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