Aug 11, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 11, 2024, 12:00 AM

Buttigieg slams Trump for 162 lies

  • Pete Buttigieg criticizes Donald Trump for telling 162 lies at a recent press conference.
  • Buttigieg refers to Trump's actions as 'The Olympics of lying.'
  • The incident highlights the ongoing political tension between the two figures.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, where he addressed recent comments made by JD Vance regarding honesty and precision in political discourse. Buttigieg highlighted the irony of Vance's stance, given his association with Donald Trump, who has been fact-checked and found to have made 162 misstatements during a recent press conference. Buttigieg emphasized the contrast between Vance's criticisms and Trump's record of dishonesty, suggesting that Vance's focus on others' integrity is misplaced. In response to Vance's claims that Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' VP pick, lied about his military service for political gain, Buttigieg pointed out the hypocrisy of Vance's position. He remarked, “He’s running with Donald Trump, somebody who has set records for lying in public life,” and likened Trump's ability to distort the truth to an "Olympics of lying." Buttigieg invoked scripture to illustrate the inconsistency in Vance's criticisms, suggesting that one should not criticize others while harboring greater faults themselves. The Harris campaign responded to Vance's allegations with a statement defending Governor Walz's military service, emphasizing his extensive experience and commitment to honoring the service of all Americans. They expressed gratitude for Vance's own service, reinforcing the notion that respect for military service should transcend political disagreements. Overall, Buttigieg's comments and the Harris campaign's response underscore the ongoing tensions in political rhetoric, particularly regarding honesty and integrity in public life.


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