Aug 5, 2024, 9:40 PM
Aug 5, 2024, 9:40 PM

Meet the Al-Qaeda Lawyers Advising Team Harris

  • Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revoked plea deals with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh-Mohammed and co-conspirators.
  • The plea deals removed the death penalty from the table.
  • Questions arise about Kamala Harris' stance on this issue.

As Austin takes a firm stance on a pressing legal issue, questions arise regarding Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee and former prosecutor. Observers are eager to understand her position, particularly given her brother-in-law Tony West's influential role as a key campaign adviser. West, who previously served as the third-ranking official in Barack Obama’s Department of Justice, is described as Harris’s "secret weapon" by The New York Times. West's controversial background includes representing John Walker Lindh, known as the "American Taliban," who was captured on an Afghan battlefield and later convicted for supporting the Taliban. His defense of Lindh, which he argued was not terrorism, raises questions about the legal philosophies that may influence Harris's campaign. Furthermore, West has been instrumental in bringing Eric H. Holder, the former attorney general, into the fold to assist with vetting potential running mates for Harris. Holder's tenure was marked by attempts to transfer high-profile terrorism cases from Guantanamo Bay to civilian courts, a move that faced bipartisan backlash and ultimately failed. This history prompts further inquiry into Harris's views on similar legal strategies, particularly regarding the fate of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and whether she supports a plea deal or the death penalty for him. As the campaign progresses, the public and press alike are left wondering if Harris will clarify her stance on these contentious issues.


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