Aug 22, 2024, 2:58 AM
Aug 22, 2024, 2:58 AM

Australia Rejects China's Claim on Taiwan

  • Australian Senate votes to reject CCP's distorted claim over Taiwan.
  • Motion rebukes CCP's attempt to claim sovereignty over Taiwan using a UN Resolution.
  • Clear stance taken by Australia supporting Taiwan's sovereignty and independence.

On August 21, the Australian Senate passed a bipartisan motion condemning the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) "One China" principle, which asserts that Taiwan is part of China. Spearheaded by Liberal Senator David Fawcett and Labor Senator Deborah O'Neill, the motion emphasized that United Nations Resolution 2758 does not confer sovereignty over Taiwan to the People's Republic of China (PRC) and does not dictate Taiwan's future status or its participation in international organizations. The motion criticized the CCP for misinterpreting Resolution 2758 to support its claim that Taiwan is an "inalienable part" of its territory. Under the "One China" policy, Taiwan is viewed as a province of China, despite its independent governance and distinct legal and political systems. This misrepresentation has persisted even as countries like the United States and Australia have maintained a cautious approach to the Taiwan issue, often prioritizing trade relations with the mainland. Senator O'Neill expressed concern over the distortion of the Resolution's meaning, asserting that Australia must uphold the original intent of the Resolution and its current stance on Taiwan. Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham echoed this sentiment, affirming Australia's respect for the democratic will of the Taiwanese people and advocating for Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations. Labor Senator Raff Ciccone highlighted the importance of maintaining the current status across the Taiwan Straits, emphasizing that peace and stability are crucial for regional interests, as any unilateral changes could lead to catastrophic consequences.


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