Aug 5, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 5, 2024, 12:00 AM

Enjoy Sugar Safely with New Product

  • Harvard's Wyss Institute has developed a product that allows people to consume sugar without absorbing all of it.
  • This advancement aims to address health concerns associated with sugar consumption without relying on artificial sweeteners.
  • It presents a potential solution for those seeking ways to enjoy sweetness without the negative health impacts.

For years, health experts have advised Americans to reduce their sugar intake due to its negative health effects. In a groundbreaking initiative, Kraft Heinz collaborated with Harvard scientists in 2018 to explore innovative ways to address this issue. The research led by Don Ingber focused on utilizing natural enzymes that convert sugar into fiber found in plant stalks, aiming to create a method that would allow sugar to remain intact while on store shelves. The scientists developed a technique to "cage" the enzyme, preventing it from converting sugar to fiber during storage. This innovative approach ensures that the sugar remains unchanged in products like cookies until they are consumed. As the food passes through the digestive system, the acidic environment of the stomach triggers the release of the enzyme in the intestines, where it can then convert up to 30% of the sugar into fiber. This invention represents a significant advancement in the ongoing efforts by scientists, nutritionists, and regulators to combat the excessive sugar consumption prevalent in the American diet. By transforming sugar into fiber, this method could potentially mitigate some of the health risks associated with high sugar intake, offering a promising solution for healthier food options in the future. The research highlights the importance of innovation in addressing dietary challenges and improving public health.


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