Jul 21, 2024, 9:20 AM
Jul 21, 2024, 9:20 AM

Artist Jago Gains New Support After Embracing Defacers

  • Sculptor Jago, known for his contemporary marble creations, is unveiling his most ambitious work yet, a stunning 16-foot tall sculpture weighing approximately 6 tons.
  • His artistic journey has captivated audiences, especially through his transparency in the creative process shared on social media.
  • Jago's humanity shines through as he engages with people, including a notable embrace with teens that vandalized his art, earning him praise from fans like Whoopi Goldberg.

In a surprising turn of events, renowned artist Jago has garnered admiration from actress Whoopi Goldberg after a heartfelt encounter with a group of teenagers who had vandalized one of his artworks. The incident showcased Jago's remarkable humanity, as he chose to embrace the teens rather than react with anger or resentment. This moment of compassion has resonated with many, including Goldberg, who expressed her appreciation for the artist's approach. Correspondent Seth Doane recently sat down with Jago to discuss his latest and most ambitious project to date. The artist is currently working on a monumental sculpture that will weigh an impressive 6 tons and stand over 16 feet tall. This ambitious endeavor reflects Jago's commitment to pushing the boundaries of his craft and creating impactful art that resonates with the public. Jago's ability to connect with individuals, even those who have wronged him, highlights a broader message about the power of forgiveness and understanding in the art world. His willingness to engage with the community, rather than alienate it, sets a positive example for both artists and audiences alike. As Jago continues to develop his towering sculpture, the support from figures like Whoopi Goldberg may further amplify his message of compassion and creativity, inspiring others to embrace humanity in their own artistic journeys.


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