Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

Myanmar journalists killed in 2024 amid military crackdown

  • In 2024, four journalists have been killed in Myanmar amid a military crackdown on the press.
  • Htet Myat Thu and Win Htut Oo were shot dead during a military raid, while Pe Maung Sein died shortly after being released from prison.
  • The military junta's actions have led to increased violence against journalists, raising concerns about press freedom in the country.

In 2024, Myanmar has witnessed a significant escalation in violence against journalists, marking it as the deadliest year for media since the military coup. The military junta has been accused of conducting a terror campaign against the press, resulting in the deaths of four journalists, including three in August alone. Htet Myat Thu and Win Htut Oo, both freelancers, were shot during a military raid on their home in Mon state, while Pe Maung Sein, an award-winning filmmaker, died shortly after being released from prison. Pe Maung Sein had been imprisoned for over a year, enduring severe mistreatment, including physical abuse and inadequate food. His release came just days before his death, which occurred in a private hospital where he was being treated for his injuries. The circumstances surrounding his death highlight the brutal conditions faced by journalists in Myanmar, particularly those documenting human rights abuses. The military's actions have drawn international condemnation, with advocacy groups like Reporters Sans Frontières noting that this is the first instance of a journalist being killed in their home post-coup. The junta's increasing targeting of reporters under terrorism-related charges has led to harsher sentences and a climate of fear among those attempting to report on the ongoing conflict. As the situation continues to deteriorate, the safety of journalists remains a pressing concern, with many facing imprisonment or death for their work. The international community is urged to take action to protect press freedom and hold the military accountable for its actions against the media.


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