Aug 18, 2024, 6:42 PM
Aug 18, 2024, 6:42 PM

House Democrat Calls for Release of Imprisoned Chinese Human Rights Lawyer

  • Rep. Adam Schiff called on China to release a detained human rights lawyer.
  • The Chinese Communist Party is criticized for punishing the lawyer for defending human rights.
  • The plea highlights the ongoing human rights issues in China.

Rep. Adam Schiff has urged the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to release Ding Jiaxi, a prominent human rights lawyer who is currently serving a 12-year sentence in prison. Ding, 56, has now spent five birthdays behind bars, a situation Schiff describes as a punishment for Ding's advocacy for human rights and his willingness to speak on behalf of others. The congressman emphasized the need to continue fighting for Ding's release, highlighting the broader implications of the CCP's crackdown on civil liberties. Ding was sentenced in April 2022 after being detained in December 2019 for attending a private meeting focused on civil society and political reforms in Xiamen, Fujian Province. His conviction for "subversion of state power" is viewed by many, including Schiff, as a fabricated charge aimed at suppressing dissent and denying the Chinese people their freedoms. The ongoing repression of human rights lawyers in China has left many defendants without adequate legal representation, further exacerbating the situation. On the occasion of Ding's birthday, Schiff expressed solidarity with Ding's wife, Sophie Luo, and called for international attention to his plight. Luo has voiced concerns about her husband's health, noting that he has been denied exercise and has not been allowed to communicate with her since his detention. Schiff's remarks serve as a reminder of the harsh realities faced by those who challenge the authoritarian regime in China. The Associated Press contributed to this report, underscoring the global call for justice and human rights in the face of oppressive governance.


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