Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Poland's Public Broadcasting Struggles for Independence

  • Poland's public broadcasting system was politicized by the national-conservative PiS party from 2015 to 2023.
  • Under the new pro-European government, the focus is back on news, aiming for independence from the government.
  • However, there is still a long way to go for full independence.

Ernest Zozun, a seasoned journalist known for his work as a correspondent in Russia and Iraq, has made a notable return to Polish public television, co-hosting an international news program on TVP Info since January. His comeback follows a challenging period after being dismissed from the prominent public radio station Trojka in 2020, where he had criticized the censorship imposed by the then-national conservative government. Zozun's experience reflects a broader trend in Poland's media landscape, which has faced significant upheaval in recent years. Between 2015 and 2023, the conservative Law and Justice party (PiS) implemented widespread layoffs and demotions within the public broadcasting system, effectively consolidating control over media narratives. This period was marked by a systematic erosion of journalistic integrity, with public broadcasters often serving as platforms for government propaganda. The situation drew condemnation from the Court of Justice of the European Union for violations of the rule of law, as the media became increasingly politicized. However, following the recent elections that brought a pro-European coalition to power, significant changes are underway. Since late December 2023, public television has shifted towards a more factual reporting style, moving away from the sensationalism that characterized the previous regime. This transformation has allowed many former journalists, previously sidelined, to return to their roles in public service. Mateusz Mazzini, a freelance journalist who joined TVP World, emphasized the importance of restoring journalistic standards, contrasting the current approach with the politicized media environment fostered by the PiS government. The new administration's commitment to ending the "fabric of lies" in public media marks a hopeful turn for journalism in Poland.


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