Aug 21, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 21, 2024, 12:00 AM

American Writer's Perspective on Life in China During Covid

  • Peter Hessler provides an American perspective on life in China during the Covid pandemic.
  • The book 'Other Rivers' sheds light on Generation Xi and the challenges faced during tumultuous Covid years.
  • Hessler's insights offer a unique glimpse into the cultural and social dynamics of China amid the global health crisis.

In his latest work, *Other Rivers: A Chinese Education*, Peter Hessler, a prominent observer of Chinese society, reflects on his unexpected journey during the tumultuous Covid-19 pandemic. Arriving at Sichuan University in the autumn of 2019 with plans to focus on teaching, Hessler found himself documenting life in Chengdu just as the city entered lockdown. With many Western journalists expelled from China, he became one of the few voices able to provide insight into the realities faced by the Chinese populace during this extraordinary period. Hessler’s narrative centers around his university students, who embody a mix of ambition and disillusionment, contrasting sharply with the more naive youth he encountered in the 1990s. He highlights the challenges faced by students involved in the independent newspaper, Common Sense, which tackled sensitive topics while its contributors remained anonymous due to fears of repercussions in China’s tightly controlled media landscape. His empathetic portrayal of this generational conflict resonates with readers both in China and abroad. The book also serves as a tribute to the era of Sino-American engagement, marking significant changes such as the end of the Peace Corps program in March 2020, as political tensions escalated. Hessler and his wife, writer Leslie Chang, enrolled their twin daughters in a local school, providing a unique perspective on the Chinese education system, which, despite its competitive nature, is sustained by dedicated teachers whose commitment offers valuable lessons for Western educators.


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