Jul 26, 2024, 2:54 PM
Jul 26, 2024, 2:54 PM

EU urged to prioritize animal welfare in farming

  • NGOs are calling for animal welfare to be included in the European Commission's 'Vision for Agriculture and Food'.
  • European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen did not mention animal welfare in her investiture speech at the European Parliament.
  • Associations are urging the EU to prioritize animal welfare in farming practices.

In a recent statement, Olga Kikou, director of advocacy at the European Institute for Animal Law and Policy, criticized President von der Leyen for not addressing the urgent need for legally-binding commitments to end caged farming and revise animal welfare legislation in her speech to the European Parliament. The European Commission had initiated a review of animal welfare legislation in 2020, but it was deferred to the next Commission, leaving many advocates concerned about the lack of progress on these critical issues. Kikou emphasized that there remains an opportunity for the President to align her agricultural vision with the demands of the majority of Europeans by prioritizing the revision of animal welfare laws. Meanwhile, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are intensifying their efforts to ensure the enforcement of existing regulations, particularly regarding the transport of live animals. A coalition of around twenty organizations recently urged the Commission to take stricter action against violations, citing reports of unweaned Irish calves being transported to France without proper feeding, which contravenes EU regulations. The Commission has acknowledged these breaches in its audit report, which called for Irish authorities to provide compliance measures. However, no such information has been forthcoming. Additionally, NGOs are advocating for the end of fur farming in Europe, highlighted by the successful “No fur in Europe” citizens’ initiative that garnered over 1.5 million signatures in 2023. Campaigners are also pushing for reforms in slaughtering practices and animal welfare labeling, aiming to promote alternative protein sources.


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