Jun 12, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jun 20, 2022, 3:18 PM

Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap election after far-right gains in EU elections

  • Emmanuel Macron dissolves French parliament in response to National Rally's significant gains in the EU elections.
  • Macron shocks with decision to call snap election for 30 June amid political turmoil.
  • Far-right parties making significant gains in EU elections leading to domestic political changes in France.

Marine Le Pen calls for nationalist coalition after French vote humiliation. Ursula von der Leyen confident in winning new mandate as European Commission president. Emmanuel Macron calls for new parliamentary elections after heavy defeat in EU elections. Far-right parties gain momentum in European elections, with EPP leading in several countries. Centre-right parties projected to have majority in European Parliament. Socialist People's Party sees surge in support in Denmark. Far-right gains support in France, Germany, and other countries. European centre-right candidate declares "the centre is holding" amidst turmoil. Snap election called by Macron after far-right victory in France. Historic gains predicted for radical right-wing parties in EU elections. National Rally wins in France, CDU leads in Germany, and FPÖ leads in Austria. PVV and Green-Socialist coalition make gains in the Netherlands.
