Omg Marine Le Pen and Keir together - beginning of new era for europe
The good exists 🙌🏾
Woooow! These images are incredible!
It’s the right decision to reduce wastes too
It’s very sad…rip, angel.
Fair enough. They deserved it.
EW!!! There is no remedy for RAPERS!!!
Eww. Disgusting men.
Poor bride. Her day is destroyed
Who cares what he is doing..if he’s good at what he’s doing
Fair enough. You don’t play boss in other country
They are really crazy and ungovernable! Who do you think you are?!?
I’ll tell you what happen : america will survive.
Women Power 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 only women can make this world a better place
O_o whaaaaat! It’s very dangerous to swim there
Even in the world’s most developed countries freedom of speech is very questionable.
Biden has lost EVERYTHING. I can say that he’s the worst american president ever
For sure, a woman shouldn’t be determined only as a mother, but me as a mom of 11month old can say that, MOTHERHOOD is one of the toughest jobs in the world as you don’t have weekends and you work full time.
China gotta change kinda its politics and economics but they still are doing tbeir best
I think they gonna take no only France but whole Europe or at least the most countries
Keir is certain that he’s gonna win. I think so too.
I think its gonna work well for Britain as they needed changes
Hmm..supreme court’s job is very hard will all these problems in the country
It’s gonna be super hard for Biden to gain seasoned popularity.
This is all bcoz climate devastating. All their infrastructures will be demolished
Boeing needed this to recover. Good step.
I hope one day Ukraine will recover and get a status of European Union country.
I am 1000000% sure that Marine Le Pen will get all seats;)))))
Oh…i was cheering for Denmark…
It’d be ridiculous if he admits his actions..
I think it’s over, Sunak. Sadly, but true
BET awards are always smth very exciting!!!