Jul 1, 2024, 6:06 PM
Jun 28, 2024, 8:54 AM

Mauritania's President Ould Ghazouani seeks reelection amidst promises of economic growth and poverty eradication

  • President Ould Ghazouani seeks a second term in office in Mauritania.
  • He promises economic growth, social programs, and efforts to eradicate poverty and extremism.
  • Accusations of corruption and mismanagement surround the president.

In Mauritania, President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani is vying for a second term in office amidst accusations of corruption and mismanagement by his opponents. Despite this, he pledges to boost economic growth and social programs to combat poverty and extremism in the West African nation. Mauritania, positioning itself as a Western ally in a region plagued by coups and violence, faces criticism for human rights abuses. The upcoming election occurs amid regional tension, with neighboring countries experiencing military coups and jihadi violence. During Ghazouani's tenure, retirement pensions doubled, over 1.5 million Mauritanians received social assistance, and 100,000 families obtained state-funded health insurance. The government also enhanced military capabilities to combat terrorism and implemented programs for deradicalization and social reintegration. However, opposition candidates, including anti-slavery activist Biram Dah Abeid, accuse Ghazouani's administration of corruption and clientelism, labeling it as a catastrophic mismanagement of the state. Despite Ghazouani's efforts to promote religious dialogue and provide employment opportunities, critics highlight ongoing issues such as modern slavery in Mauritania, with an estimated 149,000 individuals affected. Abeid, a prominent opponent, emphasizes his commitment to fighting against slavery, citing personal experiences within his family. As the election approaches, tensions rise, with slogans like "Zero Ghazouani" and "Long live Biram" echoing in the capital, Nouakchott. Ghazouani warns against any attempts to destabilize Mauritania or its territorial integrity, emphasizing the importance of maintaining stability in the region. As the nation grapples with complex challenges, including poverty, extremism, and human rights violations, the election outcome will not only determine the country's leadership but also its path towards addressing these pressing issues. The promises of economic growth and social programs by Ghazouani are juxtaposed with allegations of corruption and criticism from opposition figures, setting the stage for a closely watched and contentious electoral process in Mauritania.
